#LeadSafeMamaGiveaway! You could win this antique Fenton vase! [Ends 10/31 midnight, PST]


(low-Lead, white Fenton glass – test results linked here!)

#Giveaway Details

  • GIVEAWAY ENDS October 31, 2020 at midnight PST.
  • A winner will be chosen from all eligible participants on November 1st by 5 p.m. PST.
  • GOAL of the #Giveaway: To help the blog reach 213,500 unique page views for October 2020 by the end of the month! [More details about WHY I am asking for this help are after the rules, at the end of the post!] Here’s how to participate:
  • BLOG is currently at 193,437 views.
  • If things keep up at the same pace over the next two days the blog will be at about 207,000 unique page views by the end of the day on the 31st.
  • With your help we could push the reach of this work in the next couple of days and have 6,500 more page views in October than we could otherwise anticipate.
  • 213,500 will put October 2020 in to the “7th BestMonthEver spot on the blog” (see chart below from last month)!!! Which would be amazing. [Thank you!]

(how to participate in the giveaway and be entered to win the vase!)

  1. Find a post on my blog that you like, something that resonates with you. [There are usually always good choices on the home page.]
  2. Copy the link to that post and share it on your Facebook or Twitter page (personal or business) with a note to your friends about why it resonates with you. Make sure the settings on your post are set to public (so I can confirm which post you shared!)
  3. Comment here on this blog post that you are entering the #Giveaway and that you shared a #LeadSafeMama post on your social media! Include the link to which post you shared.
  4. No more entries will be taken after midnight on 10/31/20 (PST).
  5. Sometime after midnight I will assign everyone who commented below (and who also shared a public post on their social media from this blog) a number (from 1 to 500, or to however many people there are who participate…usually only 20 or 30 friends participate in these things so odds of winning are good!) and then I will use the random number generator on Random.org to select the winner of the vase out of all of the eligible participants! 
  6. That’s it! Good luck! Happy sharing!
Why I am doing this #Giveaway
  • Traffic here on the blog has really slumped with #CoViD-19, #sigh.
  • My goal is that all of the remaining months of 2020 end up in the category of “Top Ten Months of All Time”. If October makes it to #7, then I don’t have to worry so much about November making it to #6 (which will be easier to accomplish!) and I’ll be able to focus more on directly helping families in November (and not focus so much on reporting test results on my blog – which I also love to do, but takes time from me helping families with questions!)
  • Having October, November and December fall in the #TopTen months of all time here on the blog may also help make it possible for me to get a new sponsor on board to help support this work (assistance which might actually make the #LeadSafeMamaMobile happen in late-2020 or early-2021 (squeee!))
  • So… thank you for sharing my post and helping me meet these goals for LeadSafeMama.com (which will also help me help more families around the world get their questions answered about childhood Lead poisoning!)
 Thank you so much for reading and supporting this work in this and all the ways! I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it!!!!
Tamara Rubin
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