Share your personal GoFundMe (or one for your favorite cause) here in the comments so my readers can share it too!
So many of the people I know need help right now – I wanted to create this thread as a resource. Please do share a personal story each time you drop a link (write a quick paragraph with your link) – to help people understand why the campaign link you have shared is important. Please also read through the other links shared and consider sharing one or two of those this week (with your friends, on social media) as well.
Thank you.
Tamara Rubin

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Thank you for doing this! I am a single parent with multiple chronic health problems and was diagnosed with Chiari Malformation in November. I was supposed to have brain surgery in February, it was moved to April because I was repeatedly sick. It is now postponed because of corona virus precautions. Due to my health issues I was barely able to work before and now cannot work with compromised immune system and as full time parent. I had been in school in order to get a degree and a career I could handle even if I eventually have severe mobility issues. I did not take classes this semester and so do not have student loans for rent. It seemed ridiculous to try to take classes and have brain surgery at the same time. Here is a link to my fundraiser and there should be a link in there with my YouTube channel.
My child is 12 and sick with some mystery type of illness and we’ve done extensive testing and been in children’s hospital off and on for 3wks. Its 135 miles one way to the medical experts that we must see for more extensive testing. We need help to service our vehicle, gas, and money to live off of for anymore inpatient care. Its real expensive eating out of hospital cafeteria. Social services at the hospital doesnt care to help much either so I set up a gofundme which I had never done…and am still learning. Please share!
Hi my name is Karla Trevino, I am organizing this fundraiser on behalf of my cousin Jennifer she is 19 years old with two kids ages 4 months and 2 years this young age it might be easy for many to judge her situation, but i am asking for help for this wonderful mom struggling financially .please help God bless you. Https://
Thanks for commenting here, Karla! Good luck!
My nephew, CJ was taken to the doctor with a sore ankle last week. Within a week he was diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma. We have a PET scan next week to determine if the cancer has spread beyond his leg. CJ will be starting Chemotherapy immediately and will have surgery to amputate his lower leg within the next few months. He will be required to stay in the hospital 4-7days every two weeks for his Chemotherapy. Help is needed for his and his mom’s medical expenses, gas, food, and lodging. Any help would be appreciated.
My dad was tragically killed in a house fire on February 27th 2021. My sister and I are the ones to handle his debts on top of legal fees and other after death and funeral fees. I am unemployed due to the corona virus and have no way in supporting myself. If you could help I would appreciate it so much.
Do you have a link Hayley? I am sorry to hear your story.
Hi!! My name is Ebony Beasley. After I turned 18 years old, I was cut off Medicaid, and wasn’t able to keep up with my dentist appointments. As the years passed, my teeth were starting to look bad, and then I realized that something had to be done. So, I got a second job so that way I could continue helping my mom with bills, and save for my dental work. It took me a very long time to save, but I finally did it, and I was very happy. But, two weeks before my scheduled appointment, I found out I was pregnant and wasn’t able to get my procedures done because my pregnancy was high risk. I didn’t want to take any chances because the well being of my unborn was way more important. Once I was able to go to the dentist, it was too late, and ended up having all of my teeth pulled. I started a GoFundMe Page for my implants. My current situation has affected me physically, mentally and emotionally. Please share my story so I can reach my goal and be able to smile again. Thank you
Hello everyone, first off I want to thank you Tamara for creating this place for people to post their links. I’m not big on social media and I’m learning very quickly that’s it’s nearly impossible to get your story out there without it. Our link is , my family’s story is just to long to put it all here but if anyone’s interested please check it out. Basically the short version is I come from a abusive and toxic family, I have two beautiful daughters now, and my step father and mother are trying to sell the house that we are living in without any need for the money or any thought about what that means for us. Any help that we can get, whether it be donations or just help sharing our story we would be eternally grateful. Thank you
Fundraiser: Help Tim LIVE With Stage 4 Cancer HOLISTICALLY.
Tim and Lily are American artisans who moved to Italy in 2001. In June, 2021, after more than a year of symptomatic illness and clinical tests, they were informed that Tim has stage 4 throat cancer.
GoFundMe campaign link:
My daughter is sophomore and was 1 of the handful of students nominated by her band teacher at North Medford High School to represent Oregon and perform in 3 European countries by participating in the Ambassador of Music program with Oregon State University. She was ACCEPTED!! Now the hard part we need to raise the funds to get her there! We estimated that she will need $11,000 total. She has already made $3,500 and has used that to make her first 3 payments, apply for her passport, she has caught up and is now fully vaccinated to travel to the foreign countries, she has paid for her uniform in full, has her permission slips available and signed by a parent and so eager to make it. We have a few months to get the last payments in the next $2000 by March 15 and the remainder plus pre-tour camp fees by May 1st and then we will only have until June 30th to get her some travel insurance, travel funds (food, snacks, drinks and spending money.) Plus gas, food and hotel to get back and forth to Oregon State University for her mandatory rehearsals and Portland Airport from Medford, Oregon. We could really use the help to make this once in a lifetime trip happen. Will you please share her GFM? Maybe you are a business owner or know of one that would like to sponsor her. I have attached a link to forms that you can print, fill out and send in that may get you tax deductible donation for being a sponsor. Please share with your friends, family, coworkers, church communities etc. The more people who know and pass it along the more who will see it and maybe able to help. Thank you for your time and support we appreciate it more than you know!
Thank you for your time,
Stephanie Splain
More about OAM:
Sponsorship form:
Hi my name is Deanna I am looking for help for my mom who was diagnosed with stage 3 head and neck cancer..We are trying to raise money for medical bill,travel to treatment and healthy food to regain her strength from Radiation and chemo..She lives on a fixed budget and we have searched for grants to no avail…
With my greatest humility and greatfulness
After reading the comments it makes me realize how my hurt is so minuscule compared to some. Praying for y’all.
Please donate and/or share the link to my go fund me for me to get specialized treatment for complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). Thanks!
Please allow me to tell you a little about a very special woman. In 2017 her preparations began and in 2020 she founded a licensed in home elder care agency with the admirable mission of “raising the standard of care” provided to elderly women and men in their home here in our community.
She is gentle, kind hearted and a genuinely caring human being who gives so much of her time comforting families and their loved ones during one of life’s most difficult season. While speaking with sensitive elderly women and men she always makes sure to show a heart of respect and admiration towards them for who they are. Giving inspiration to bravery and hope, I’m sure for some who desperately need it.
Thank you,
I’m raising funds to help spay and nuter the stray cats im feeding.I want to continue feeding them as they swarm my home, but i need to put a end to them reproducing.They need vaccines as well to help stop the spread of diseases.
Hi my name is Eric Wellington I’m sitting next to my best friend Ziggy my 2 year old shitzu in the back of my truck we had been renting a room for 4 years and had started a small delivery service in Fresno I did great through Covid but as people wanted to get out more the need for my small business almost disappeared over night I continued to invest in the company until it broke me and no longer exsists I have no family have been living in truck for 13 months and now my brakes have went completely out and need a new battery but my main goal is to use money from fundraiser to pay first and deposit so that I have shelter anything at all would help me towards that goal , Thank you for reading and God Bless
After 2 and a half years my bout with homelessness will end Sept 1 2023 any donations or shares are appreciated!
My sister and her 4 small children lost everything in an apartment fire. Please consider donating to help her rebuild. Thank you!