February 2020 closed out the month in 4th place on Lead Safe Mama’s #BestMonthsEver list with 351,421 page views!

Posted: Saturday, March 14, 2020
On February 29th at about 8:45 p.m. February 2020 passed 350,000 views for the month (see the graph below). By the time midnight on the 29th rolled around February closed out the month with 351,421 unique page views – bring the total all time page views for this website just past 6,200,000 by the end of February!
Even with March 2020 being unexpectedly hit with #CoViD19Panic it looks like March is still going to keep up the trend and wrap up in 5th place (5th #BestMonthEver on LeadSafeMama.com) with about 250,000 views (if things keep going as they have been for the past week or so….)
Thanks for being here everyone.
Thanks for reading and for sharing my posts.
Together we can change the world.
Tamara Rubin
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