Three million eight hundred and twenty six thousand seven hundred and eighty two unique page views in 2019!

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To see more End-Of-Year stats for for 2019, click here.

If you read just one post on my blog in the 2019 calendar year, your time on the site contributed to the 3,826,782 total unique page views — by 1,948,249 visitors, in more than 200 countries — [per Jetpack Site Stats (scroll down for the screenshot], between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019.

Thank you for being here, and – as always – thank you for reading and sharing my posts! Together – with the information we are sharing – we (you and I, together!) are making an unprecedented impact in the world!

~ Happy New Year 2020! ~

I’m going BIG for my 2020 goals for looking to reach at least 6,000,000 unique page views for the year, by the end of this calendar year! Please keep reading and sharing my posts to help make that possible.

Reaching this goal will go a long way towards helping make awareness of childhood Lead poisoning (and awareness of Lead in consumer goods) part of the collective consciousness — eventually bringing this awareness to every household around the world. Think of how many children will be protected when the reach of this message gets that big!

In order to reach this BIG goal, we will need to have an average of 500,000 page views a month a bit of a stretch perhaps, but not impossible, when you look at March 2019 [with 1,302,519 unique views] and December 2019 [with 814,387 unique views] as examples of what is possible!

  • If you look at the numbers below, you can see that in 2019 this website had 445% the amount of unique page views that it had in 2018 (or, said another way, a 345% increase over the unique views from 2018).
  • 2019 closed out the year with 5,245,316 unique all-time views (total views for all 6+ years that this site has been active – see second image below), and the idea behind this new goal of 6,000,000 unique views in 2020 is that, within the realm of what is possible, we can (again — for the 2nd year in a row!) more than double the overall all-time unique page views for the site in a single year, hopefully reaching 11,245,316 unique all time views by midnight on December 31, 2020 [that’s dreaming BIG!]  
  • If this year (2020) were to replicate last year (2019) — with a mind-boggling 345% increase in page views for the year — that would put us at 17,029,179 unique page views for the 2020 year (and this would bring us to 22,274,495 unique all-time views — which frankly sounds “impossible“!) I won’t write that off as a possibility, but I’m giving myself permission to be super-happy when the year hits the 6,000,000 unique page views mark!

Regardless of how things go, here’s to an exciting 2020! I’m looking forward to enjoying the journey (helping so many families along the way), as well as meeting these goals (to help dramatically expand awareness of this issue)!

Thanks again… for everything!

Tamara Rubin

Scroll down to see a screenshot direct from Jetpack
for the full 6+ year history of this website.

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