Lead Safe Mama is coming to San Francisco – September 2019! [Updated schedule].

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Above is my September 2019 San Francisco, California schedule (with my availability for home visits, outreach events or other consulting (or social!) opportunities!

Please let me know if you are interested in hiring me or in getting together in September 2019 in the San Francisco Bay Area. Thank you!

Below is the e-mail I sent out to my mailing list the other day too!

Hello friends!  

I’m meeting with some potential partners for my growing business the first week in September in San Francisco (and checking in on my family’s honey farm while I am there), and since I will already be flying down to the Bay Area, I can make room in my schedule for a Healthy Home Consultation (or two) while I am there.

If interested, Bay Area folks can confirm this week – before I finalize my schedule. I don’t mind driving (I actually like driving), and could drive within a two- or three-hour radius of San Francisco (including that I would happy to do consult on a yacht in the Pacific, too – or checking out what the Lead situation is [perhaps taking and testing some soil samples?!] on the Farralones! lol) JK! (But really…. that would be fun!)

So if you are in the Bay Area and interested in a Home Consult (or even in just meeting up for lunch or coffee!) please e-mail me (or text me at 415-609-3182!) If you would like more information about having a one-on-one Home Consultation with me (when I am next in your area, wherever that may be!), please click the image below.

Thank you for being here, and thank you for taking the time to read my posts & e-mails!

Tamara Rubin

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  1. Have you ever tested playgrounds? Specifically the paint AND the rubberized surfacing some of them have?

    1. Hi Kathleen.

      Thank you for commenting.

      Many old metal playgrounds are painted with Lead paint (like the simple metal pole swing sets and monkey bars I grew up with in the 1970s.) All of the modern playgrounds I have tested (late 1980s and newer) have been Lead-free. These include the wooden and plastic ones as well as the ones with the thick metal tubes (usually painted in bright colors.) I have not personally tested a rubberized surface that was positive for high levels of Lead, but I do know they exist and are relatively common unfortunately.

      Here’s an example of a vintage playground piece (coin operated): https://tamararubin.com/2018/06/do-you-let-your-kids-ride-vintage-amusement-park-rides-i-dont-train-town-usa-sonoma-ca-94900-ppm-lead-90-is-unsafe-for-kids/


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