July 2019 Update: Opportunities to Invest in Lead Safe Mama’s Work
Lead Safe Mama, LLC is GROWING…
I’ve written this post because maybe you (my readers) know someone who might be interested in supporting this work in a big way – while also getting something in return. As my regular readers know, this is work that really no one else is doing in the same comprehensive and independent way [without direct or indirect corporate influence or political constraints].
My readers also know that growing and expanding the reach and impact of this work will be a benefit to the public, it’s just a matter of finding the right partners to come on board to support that growth at this point.
Everywhere where at least one person has read the Lead Safe Mama blog is highlighted in blue above.
INTRODUCTION: New to my work?
What exactly is “the message” Lead Safe Mama, LLC is reaching people with?
The overarching message being shared here on this blog (and through this work) is one of protecting children throughout the world from exposure to neurotoxic heavy metals commonly found in their homes and communities – with an emphasis on childhood Lead poisoning prevention,
The primary emphasis is on Lead, because Lead is the most ubiquitous potent neurotoxicant found in our lives.
In this work, two main areas of focus are information-based (for teaching, creating awareness, sharing information freely):
- Spreading awareness of toxicants found in consumer goods – combined with creating consumer demand for (and corporate responsibility around) the creation of toxicant-free consumer goods and
- Educating about the importance of Lead-safe work practices in renovation (specifically making sure the homes our children live in are free of Lead hazards and other exposures to toxicants).
WHY: Why would someone want to invest in the work of Lead Safe Mama, LLC?
Lead Safe Mama, LLC is growing rapidly; the first 6+ months of 2019 have been phenomenal. The number of people we (we = the Lead Safe Mama team with the assistance of countless supporters, the readers of this blog and a handful of corporate sponsors) help and reach with this work and this message is unprecedented across all sectors – corporate, public and nonprofit (compared to others engaged in similar work.) Together, we are poised to do great things – amazing things… truly “changing the world”-level things.
Here are some numbers to consider – updated, as of 7/18/19:
- 4 national awards for my work in the past 8 years (including two from U.S. Federal government agencies).
- 10+ years testing consumer goods across the U.S.
- 5 brands of baby bottles and baby feeding products I have discovered (through XRF testing) to have been manufactured using heavily-Leaded paint for their markings and/or logos in recent years.
- 12+ years actively working as an environmental activist for lead poisoning prevention (14 years, this coming August since my own sons were Lead poisoned)
- 216 “countries” (as defined by Google Analytics – they label a few more areas as “countries” than the “official” count!) reached by this advocacy work in the first 6+ months of 2019 (as of 7/18/19). Our reach is just missing some parts of Africa that aren’t on the Internet yet! [See world map above]
- 1,777 – posts (plus 43 pages) of information here on this blog… and counting!
- 3,474 – active subscribers on my mailing list as of today (7/18/19)
- 10,000+ consumer goods tested by “yours truly”
- 24,363 Lead Safe Mama “Likes” on Facebook as of 7/18/19.
- 26,455 Lead Safe Mama “Followers” on Facebook as of 7/18/19
- 32,356 readers of my blog in the city of Chicago alone in the first 6+ months of 2019 (per Google Analytics as of 7/18/19)
- 40,000+ Total regular social media following
across all platforms (Twitter + Facebook, we’re just beginning to explore Pinterest and Instagram)
- 79,050 unique returning visitors to my blog in the first 6+ months of 2019 (people who come back for more information on a regular basis – per Google Analytics as of 7/18/19)
- 166,373 United States Alexa Rank (on 7/18/19). [Click here to see how that compares to other websites you may be familiar with]
- 881,905 Global Alexa Rank (on 7/18/19)
- 1,250,316 total unique visitors to this blog iin the first 6+ months of 2019 (per Google Analytics as of 7/18/19)
- 2,192,098 unique page views to this blog in the first 6+ months of 2019 (per JetPack as of 7/18/19)
WHAT: What is there to invest in at Lead Safe Mama —
isn’t it just a blog run by a mom in Portland, Oregon?
Actually, there is quite a lot more “cooking” over here at Lead Safe Mama, LLC right now than “just” the blog — here are a few of the highlights that I can share at this juncture (without a signed NDA):
- We’re working on completing some films (yes, you heard that right – multiple film projects are in the pipeline).
- We’re working on developing a few “key” Lead-free/toxicants-free consumer goods (specifically kitchenware products.) These are really exciting products because they are products that nearly everyone has in their home – and yet there are no readily-available high-quality, reasonably-priced toxicant-free versions of these products on the market (most of these products in the works have a retail price point goal of below $20.00).
- We’re working on completing some books (yes, again – books with an “s” – there’s more than one book in the pipeline!)
- We’re working on creating an app as a guide for families.
…and more.
WHEN: When does Lead Safe Mama, LLC need investors?
A. Right Now
As most people in business know, timing is critical.
For Lead Safe Mama, LLC this is indeed a critical time, if we want to capitalize on the momentum of the past 8 months – and make things really pop by the end of the 2019 calendar year. Accordingly, I am looking for investors to come on board as soon as possible.
HOW MUCH: How big are the opportunities – how much of an investment does Lead Safe Mama, LLC need to take on some or all of these projects?
A. $100,000? $200,000? $500,000? $1,000,000?
I have immediate short-term opportunities for investors with a 6-month return or a two- to three- year return (depending on the level of investment they would like to make and how much of a return they need).
The shorter-term/smaller amounts would likely fall more under the category of an “angel investor small business loan” – with a guaranteed specific (generous) rate of return (a 10% loan fee) to be repaid in a 6-month time-frame.
To move forward rapidly with plans that are in the works – for “Phase 1”, we are ideally looking for a total in the neighborhood of $250,000 in capital. If we receive less, we can still move forward on several fronts – but just not as quickly as we would with all of the projects fully funded (and the ability to bring on more team members quickly to help complete these projects!)
Funds raised at this juncture will help us with the completion of several significant projects in the pipeline (including final prototyping of some of the consumer goods products) and then we will seek additional funding once those projects are at a phase where they can be shared with prospective investors and listed as a measurable asset. The second round of funding would be “Phase 2” and we expect to launch a Kickstarter-style sales campaign for the products, but this would only be after successful completion of prototypes and an initial small batch test run and related product testing.
How are you planning on paying people back?
My family farm in California is in escrow to close at the end of the year (2019) and any investors who help at this critical juncture (“Phase 1”) would be repaid both principal and a 10% loan fee when the property closes.
That said, an amount as low as $25,000 would keep the momentum going through September at least… so here’s what your help could look like:
- $25,000 invested today would be repaid with $27,500 on or before January 18, 2020
- $50,000 invested today would be repaid with $55,000 on or before 1/18/2020
- $100,000 invested today would be repaid with $110,00 on or before 1/18/2020
- $150,000 invested today would be repaid with $165,000 on or before 1/18/2020
- $250,000 invested today would be repaid with $275,000 on or before 1/18/2020
While we are working on these projects, it is our goal that the work we do and report here on this blog (independent consumer goods testing and childhood Lead-poisoning prevention advocacy) continues to expand as it has steadily over the past 6 months (as reflected in site’s great metrics listed above.) In order to make this happen, a key element we require funding for is funds to build out the team, bringing on skilled key players to manage specific elements of projects that are already “in the works”.
NOW WHAT? Are you interested in learning more?
Are you interested in helping to build a movement protecting children across the globe, in a manner that will become self-sustaining? (…with media initiatives and future product sales and development supporting the continued expansion of the free information provided on this site to help families everywhere protect their children?)
If the answer to the above question is “yes”, please be in touch and we can discuss specifics [including timelines, sources for repayment of funds, anticipated project budgets / use of funds, and more].
The goal throughout this period of explosive growth here at Lead Safe Mama, LLC will be to continue to keep the resource of this website (the information provided to families to help them protect their kids) free and available to everyone (not put it behind a paywall as so many have recommended we should do), and through this expansion of our work to enlist new capital partners to enable us to rapidly bring on line additional revenue sources to support the work for decades into the future – sources that will also increase the funding available to expand the scope of the free and publicly-available information we provide.
As always, thank you for reading.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Best way to reach me is by text or email: 415-609-3182, TamaraRubin@mac.com
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Hey Tamara, I just discovered your site yesterday through a FB post (have already forgotten which one, sorry), and have read through a dozen or so blog posts, mainly the long detailed documents involving your legal drama, oy! I am a mom of four boys as well (oldest is still elementary age), and appalled at what a few people in powerful positions have put you and your family through. You are one tenacious woman, and I seriously admire you and your determination! Unfortunately I am in no position to help out the cause, but did want to encourage you to get on Instagram and/or Pinterest, as those are hugely influential! I avoid them personally because I have a social media addiction problem, but in terms of spreading a message and gaining influence, they are highly effective. I’ll definitely keep reading and offer any support I can!