#LeadSafeMama Newsletter: February 20, 2019
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Wow, that went by fast — it’s been more than a month since I sent my last Newsletter! I’m going to save an update on my legal case for my next newsletter, and today want to focus on sharing with you some of the most popular posts on LeadSafeMama.com over the past month…
If I could ask you to read and share just one of the 86 posts I have written since my last newsletter, it would be the one I wrote this past week about a 3-year-old child who was chronically exposed to Lead (for the entirety of their young life) from the family’s kitchen table. This is an important one to read because:
1) it could happen to anyone and
2) inspectors are constantly overlooking this sort of hazard
— so if you have a child in your life with a persistent low elevated Blood Lead Level, for which the exposure source remains a mystery, perhaps this post might help illuminate a path to unravelling that mystery.
Here’s a link to that post (for additional popular posts on my blog that you may have missed this past month, click the images in the grid below!):
As always, thank you for reading and for supporting my work!
Tamara Rubin
P.S. If you are interested in a one-on-one healthy home consultation with me, click here to see my travel schedule. Upcoming trips include the SF Bay Area and the Seattle area.
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