A study of potential exposure to environmental lead resulting from porcelain enameled bathtubs

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I had shared this link back in 2015, but the link is now dead and I cannot seem to find the original study anywhere. If you have time to help me look for it, please do and let me know what you find.  I would be happy to repost a full PDF of the study here on the site (with the author’s permission) if it can be found.

Thanks in advance, team – for your sleuthing!

Tamara Rubin

A study of potential exposure to environmental lead resulting from porcelain enameled bathtubs

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  1. I found it on proquest as a book, so that’s probably why it was taken down as a paper. I could only download the preview, but that’s pretty useful. Has the introductions and table of contents and author/publisher info.
    Can’t leave an attachment here.

  2. do you have a recommendation for a safe bathtub? we need to install a new one. also a safe kitchen sink and safe shower and sink fixtures?

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