Vietri Dishes, NEW (2018) Made in Italy: 661 ppm Lead. 90 ppm and up is considered unafe for children’s items.
All of the Vietri pieces I have tested have been positive for at least some level of Lead. Most have been in the 1,000 to 2,000 ppm range. Testing for this piecewas done with an XRF instrument. These dishes are made in Italy and this particular dish (which is a very light gray color) tested positive for Lead at 661 +/- 55 parts per million (ppm).
How much Lead is that exactly?
While there is no current limit for XRF detectable Lead in dishware, for context – the amount of Lead that is considered unsafe (and illegal) in items intended for use by children (in the paint, glaze or coating) is anything 90 ppm Lead or higher. If this dish were made as a child’s dish this amount of Lead present in the glaze would be considered illegal – however for some reason the regulatory agencies have decided dishes are not “items intended for use by children.”
Most of the Italian pottery I have tested has also been positive for at least some amount of lead. Because some Italian pottery is highly decorated and lower fire I recommend not using Italian pottery for food use unless you know for sure that it is Lead-free (Lead-free based on independent third-party testing, not based on statements made by the manufacturer.)
While positive for Lead, this dish pictured here was “Non-Detect” (negative) for Mercury (Hg), Cadmium (Cd), and Arsenic (As). Read more about the concern for lead in dishware here.
As always, thank you for reading and for sharing my posts.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Tamara Rubin
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So bummed to learn that my mid-century modern Baldelli pottery dishes are almost sure to have lead. I have been eating off them for years, but based on information on your website, have switched to Anchor Hocking clear glass — in a discontinued pattern but still a few available. Better late than never, I guess. Thanks for the service you provide.
You are welcome! #KnowBetterDoBetter – we’re all out there trying to do our best!
So thankful for this post! I just got out all my festive Vietri dishes for Christmas. Going to assume it is full of lead since it is very colorful and mostly red. Yikes!