Check out this very well written article on the surprising danger of Bentonite Clay
Here’s a quote pulled from the article linked below:
“Many have shared how bentonite clay has helped their digestion or skin symptoms. The reasons why it may have helped seemed plausible to me, and I don’t doubt that many have had positive experiences. Since I’ve never seen much research either way, I never thought too much about it.
Recently, I heard a story about Megan Curran de Nieto, a fellow Minnesotan who was struggling to lower the blood lead levels of a local family. The levels did not come down despite avoiding typical lead sources.
Ms. Curran de Nieto was shopping in a nearby Target store when she noticed a product, called “Bentonite Me Baby.” She remembered that the family she was working with had been taking bentonite clay in hopes of detoxifying from lead. Ms. Curran de Nieto became suspicious, bought the clay and sent it to a lab for analysis.”
Click the image below to continue reading the full article!
Click here to also read all our pieces related to bentonite clay.
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Tamara Rubin is a multiple-federal-award-winning independent advocate for childhood Lead poisoning prevention and consumer goods safety, and a documentary filmmaker. She is also a mother of Lead-poisoned children (two of her sons were acutely L ead-poisoned in 2005). Since 2009, Tamara has been using XRF technology (a scientific method used by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission) to test consumer goods for toxicants (specifically heavy metals — including Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Antimony, and Arsenic). All test results reported on this website are science-based, accurate, and replicable. Items are tested multiple times to confirm the test results for each component tested. Tamara’s work was featured in Consumer Reports Magazine in February of 2023 (March 2023 print edition).
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Do you happen to know if the same holds true for ALL clays? Like white clay, grey, pink, etc?
This article mentions that hydroxyapatite may also contain lead because it is an animal bone product. Have you ever tested a hydroxyapatite toothpaste? After reading about earth paste I don’t know what’s still safe…
I have not tested that.
i wonder about clay cat litter!?
Please use the search bar to look up “kitty litter” and see all of my related posts on the subject. Here’s one:
Any thoughts about the article’s claim that BLL lead only measures exposure from the last few days?
What toothpaste or powder can I use thats organic, child safe for baby to swallow…with hydroxyapatite to stay away from flouride…I was about to buy the dirt tooth powder from primal organic for my baby who has severe nursing rot and thinning/ pitting in her tooth enamel….dr. brite has Glycerin and Wellness has artificial ingredients….
Lead free dr bronnor coconut oil is the best tooth paste for everyone in the family.
I have bought Amish soap that l believe has bentonite clay would that be harmful.
Not as a soap. It is only harmful with ingestion.
Just came across this article. Does diatomaceous count as a clay and is it safe to use in forms of like dish mat/bath mat?
I’ld like to know about diamtomaceous earth, would that be the same as Bentonite clay, as I have been ingesting Diamtomaceous earth.
What about using bentonite clay in tooth powder. Not ingested but does it get absorbed though mouth tissue?
It is not safe. More on that here:
Hi. I’m new to your site … thank you so much for what you do 🙂 I’m curious, I’ve used Montmorillonite clay in the past (a teaspoon mixed with water) as a detox. My understanding is the difference from Bentonite clay is that it is sourced from a region in France. Do you think it would be similar to Bentonite clay?
Thanks again so much 🙂
Yes – same problem. Not safe for ingestion. You should get tested.
I am pregnant and use 3 tbsp of soap works brand bentonite clay mixed with ACV, tea tree and peppermint oils about once a week to clean my hair. I know only certain brands were tested for lead so I’m wondering if you’ve had experience with this brand or not and if it is still safe to use?