September 2017 Stats

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Not surprising… visits to my site in September were on the “low” side!  (only 28,674 unique hits – no where near the 70,000+ from the #FidgetSpinner chaos of June! 🙂 …

This is a really good illustration of how the work and focus required for my current situation (read more about that here) detracts from the meat of my advocacy work (helping families and sharing information with them!)

Thank you for reading!  Thank you for following!  Thank you for supporting my advocacy work along this very complicated and difficult journey.

Last October (2016) I was depressed and shut down after all that had happened and so did not focus on #LeadPoisoningPreventionMonth… this month (this year) I promise will be different.  I pledge to continue helping families every day (as I always do) and also to blog at least about something (answering a question or posting a study or article or XRF test results) every single day for the rest of this month!

This movement starts with sharing information and sharing information starts with YOU!  Thanks again for everything!

Tamara Rubin
“Unexpected Lead Expert”
Mother of Four Sons

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