Ask Tamara: What personal care products do you use?
For those new to this website:
Tamara Rubin is a multiple-federal-award-winning independent advocate for childhood Lead poisoning prevention and consumer goods safety, and a documentary filmmaker. She is also a mother of Lead-poisoned children (two of her sons were acutely Lead-poisoned in 2005). Since 2009, Tamara has been using XRF technology (a scientific method used by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission) to test consumer goods for toxicants (specifically heavy metals — including Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Antimony, and Arsenic). Tamara’s work was featured in Consumer Reports Magazine in February of 2023 (March 2023 print edition).
Mascara? Eyeliner? Lipstick? Lotion? Toothpaste?
Shampoo? Conditioner? Deodorant? Perfume? Soap?
So many of my followers have asked me what products I use for personal care (“... given so many popular brands include toxic ingredients, have questionable quality control and/or ethics… what do YOU use?“ they ask).
My immediate answer is “nothing… on most days I don’t even bother — with four kids, I’m lucky if I manage to take a shower and brush my hair before a business meeting, let alone put on makeup!”
(A lot of days recently, I don’t even wear a bra — but that’s also because I read an article recently about how they can be bad for the development and maintenance of the muscles in your breasts!) (Note: When I do wear bras, I only wear custom ones made of organic cotton from Decent Exposures, out of Seattle! I have been wearing their bras for 22 years!)
But giving the question of “What personal care products do I use?” a little more thought, I actually do have a few that I really like — and use on a (fairly) regular basis! I have done my research on all of these brands and products, and am comfortable with their business practices and promises! I also am extremely sensitive to many synthetic compounds (especially artificial scents and dyes), so I steer clear of those by sticking to natural-ingredient-focused companies with good reputations. I also avoid certain products known to have ingredients that are notorious for having high levels of Lead… like products with any kind of clay as an ingredient — especially bentonite clay!
Given that makeup and personal care products are not a priority for me, I try to make sure the few I do use are as “pure and simple” as possible. The litmus test is whether or not I experience any kind of reactions… which, unfortunately, happens with the majority of popular products — and is the main reason I use so few.
I never use things like base makeup, powder, eye shadow, lip liner, eyebrow pencil, creams or lotions, etc. I just don’t find them useful (I’ve also been blessed with pretty good skin) — plus, most of those things cause me to have fairly severe reactions (even the all-natural versions of those products) because I have such super-sensitive skin!
As you may use more products than I do, I also am open to hearing your feedback about experiences with any of the following products (since I am not a personal care product guru… just a Lead guru!). For now, here’s a list of my current favorites:
- Oops — a December 2022 update: I removed everything from the list here because I pretty much use NO personal care products now. I will give this some thought and see if there is anything else I want to do to update this post, so stand by for that — lol.
As always, feel free to ask questions!
Tamara Elise Rubin
Owner of Lead Safe Mama, LLC
Mother of four sons
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Thank Tamara! Dr Bonner’s now has toothpaste too. Have you seen them? If so, I’d be curious about what you think.
Hi Tamara, what about shampoo for your boys? Do you have a trusted shampoo? Thank you!
Hi Tamara. I’ve recently been researching, looking for the best non-toxic cookware options. Was wondering what brands/types of cookware you use around your house? Thanks!
Hi Tamara,
We’re moving to a new apartment that has a chandelier. I’m guessing it may have lead and am planning to replace it. Is there any chandelier that is safe? The light fixture is right above the dining room table and I’m worried about lead dust ending up in our food.
I have actually tested quite a few chandeliers that ended up being cut glass and not leaded crystal, so you might not have to worry about that. If you wanted to you could take a crystal or two off for testing (you could send to me for testing) – email for deets if you don’t have them already.
Thank you for the work you do to keep us informed! Six or seven years ago I purchased the Denby “Elements” (light blue outside and light grey inside)dinnerware because the company claimed lead and cadmium free. I am now interested in purchasing the Denby “Heritage Terrace” dinnerware. Any information would be helpful. Thank you
You are very welcome! I am not sure that I have tested anything new from that company. I will double check and get back to you.
You’ve tested a few toothpaste and found them to be toxic for children. Any non-toxic/recommended toothpastes for adults or children? Thank you
Hi Tamara, have you tested the ZuZu mascara and liner, and the Logona lipstick, for lead? I figured probably but didn’t want to assume since I didn’t see it explicitly mentioned. Thanks!
My kids are often gifted lip balm. One we have around is Disney brand. Blueberry flavored with Elsa on it and another one with Anna. Have you tested these? What is the best way to test makeup and lip balm at home?
Hi Dana,
Unfortunately these things have to be tested in a lab. They are toxic below limits of detection of any home test or even an XRF instrument. However, if they are Disney branded – they have likely been tested.
Dear Tamara,
Your site has become a life guide for so many people and I’m among them! Priceless work,so much important information! Thank you!!!!!!! I haven’t found anything about sunscreens here… I wonder if you and your family use any? I would love to buy one for my 19 months old son, but worry so much as read many articles saying they are full of heavy metals(even organic ones). Can you recommend any brand?
Thank you so much in advance!!!
I use an amazing website called to find sunscreens. They rate all the products in their database with a number, 1-10. One being the best/safest and 10 being the worst. You can see each ingredient and all the studies that have been done on it and why it got that rating.
I no longer trust them – they list several lead-contaminated products with top ratings. Read this:
Any toothpastes you recommend for adults and children? Also looking for shampoo and body wash.