#FidgetSpinnerArticle #4, WILL KILL YOUR CHILD
Not to take away from the serious issue of having found lead in a child’s toy (this is a real problem and it shouldn’t be happening)… but… we are laughing so hard we are practically wetting our pants over here reading the increasingly dramatic headlines on these articles about the work Carissa and I did last weekend testing fidget spinners. Check out the articles in sequential order & maybe laugh a little with us too!
Click the image below to read the article, or click the number above to see the article that followed this one! Also, do you want me to keep testing consumer goods for lead? Please consider contributing to my GoFundMe campaign! My goal for today is to raise $1,500 to help pay my attorneys and $400 towards my independent XRF Testing! Thank you! If you would like me to test YOUR spinner with an XRF instrument, click here for details!
HEADLINE FOUR (& FIVE): Two outlets used the same image and headline!
The Federalist Papers
Americas Freedom Fighters
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