#FidgetSpinner: Rainbow Oval
- Metal Oval, Rainbow Finish. (picture is below)
- Lead Testing Results: ND/ Non-Detect for Lead with an XRF Instrument. #LeadFree. [FYI: made of nickel, copper and zinc!]
- Look at Fidget Spinner Testing Video #3, from June 16th.
- Purchase Price: Approximately $8.99
- Date Purchased: May 2017 (?)
- Brought to me by Daizee (in Portland)
- Vendor/ Brand: Unknown / No Maker’s Mark – link to similar one on Amazon here.* [I think this MAY be the exact one, but Daizee said she originally purchased hers from “Wonder Gears” and I could not find the exact one listed under Wonder Gears’ listings.]
*I am including my affiliate link for the fidgets I can find on Amazon, however given the unpredictability of these products and the lack of oversight and regulatory enforcement I cannot guarantee that a future purchase of the same or similar item will have the same lead levels, so please (specifically in the case of fidget spinners) do not consider a link to be an endorsement by me – just a way for you to continue your research / learn more in a more direct way about the product. In each of these tests all accessible parts were tested and they were not disassembled. If a spinner easily came apart or was broken, we tested the inner parts as well as the exterior. Please see my fidget spinner testing videos to watch (in real-time / filmed live on camera) the testing that was done for each spinner.
Note: If I do not list readings for Cadmium (Cd), Mercury (Hg) and Arsenic (As) that means it was also non-detect/ negative for those elements. This testing is done with an XRF instrument. To learn more about XRF testing, click here.
In general the simple plastic fidgets tend to be either negative for lead or within “acceptable levels” by both U.S. and European standards (under 90 ppm lead or – in many cases, zero lead.) Please understand that they still may present a choking hazard to young children (as well as other potential hazards) – especially children with special needs who might have a greater tendency to put things in their mouth (reardless of their age.)
To support my independent advocacy work via GoFundMe, click HERE
(so I can keep doing consumer goods testing!)
Affiliate link disclosure: If you choose to purchase any items after clicking the Amazon links above, Amazon pays me a small kick back as a thank you for sending business their way. It doesn’t cost you anything extra and helps support this website, allowing me to keep sharing information about childhood lead poisoning prevention (as well as making it possible for me to keep sharing about safe products for your home and family) ... Sharing this information in turn helps families everywhere protect their children from potential environmental toxicity in their homes. I only link to products that are the same as (or very similar to) ones that I either have direct personal experience with in my home or that are the same or similar to items that I have personally tested with an XRF Instrument. I will always note if there is a product that I link to but that I do not specifically endorse or consider safe for one reason or another. June 2017
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