Green Glass Water Bottle – Mountain Valley: 86 ppm Lead + 11 ppm Cadmium (in the glass, not the water.)

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When tested with an XRF instrument this Mountain Valley Spring Water green glass water bottle had the following readings:

  • 86 ppm Lead (Pb)
  • 11 ppm Cadmium (Cd)
  • The bottle was Non-Detect (Negative) for Arsenic and Mercury.

This level of Lead (and of Cadmium) is considered safe by all standards today. Finding trace levels of Lead and Cadmium in modern (recently manufactured) tinted glass water bottles is typical. I personally look for clear glass water bottles when possible (or use my own clear glass reusable LifeFactory bottle when I go out.)

To see more examples of green glass that I have tested, click here.

To see more glass water bottles I have tested, click here.

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Happy shopping!  & Thank you for your support!

Tamara Rubin

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  1. I have been using Mountain Valley Spring Water in the green bottle for many years. Do you think the lead and cadmium is high enough to discontinue using it?

  2. Tamara , Evian Water comes in glass bottles now also. If you ever get the chance It would be great to see if it tested for anything. The glass is clear with no writing and a very small label. Keep up the great work and website!

    1. Hi Nick, thanks for commenting. I will keep an eye out for those in my travels and will do a post!

  3. Hi Iā€™m confused can you help me understand – I see the lead number on your white board but then the headline says lead non detect is there lead? Thanks for all you do!

    1. The title of this article says that 86 ppm lead was detected, which is consistent with the results written on the white board shown in the photos. So yes, there is lead. According to the article, the glass is non-detect for mercury and arsenic.

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